Every Diablo 4 Title And How To Unlock

In Diablo 4, titles do not benefit the gameplay but can allow players to demonstrate their status and status as a veteran to everyone they meet. The game has several hundred titles to unlock, split into prefix or suffix categories. If you want to know all of them, you've come to the right place. This article will show you all Diablo 4 titles and how to unlock them.

Diablo 4 Title Prefixes

AccomplishedReach level 50 with every class in Hardcore mode
AgileComplete a dungeon within two minutes
AlarmingComplete a Tier 30 Nightmare Dungeon
AmberEquip a rare or higher quality item in every slot
AnguishedKill Andariel in Hardcore mode
AnointedReach level 50 as a Necromancer
AnxiousComplete a tier 5 Nightmare Dungeon
ApexComplete an Ancestral Nightmare dungeon while in a party
ApprenticeUpgrade a piece of armor or complete a Whisper
ArdentCollect 250 Gallowvine and 75 of all other common and uncommon herbs
AromaticCraft every type of incense (ten)
AshenSlay 5,000 vampires
AvidKill one of each wildlife (passive animals)
BarrelingConquer a Stronghold in each region (five)
BelligerentKill 45 monsters within eight seconds
BellowingUse your Shouts 500 times
BewitchingComplete a Whisper of each type
BejeweledReceive each type of cache from the Tree of Whispers
BitterComplete a Silent Offering for the Tree of Whispers
BloodsoakedSlay 10,000 vampires
BloodyKill 30 Vulnerable enemies in 15 seconds
BlueEquip a magic or higher quality item in every slot
BoldUnlock two legendary Paragon nodes in Hardcore mode
BossyDefeat a World Boss while in a party
BrashReach level 25 in Hardcore mode
BraveSlay 1,000 knights
BrittleKill 150 Vulnerable enemies with Critical Strikes
BrutalKill an elite enemy with a two-hand bludgeoning, a two-hand slashing, and a one-hand weapon in ten seconds
BubblyCraft an elixir at the Alchemist
CacklingSlay 10,000 Fallen
CallousSlay 10,000 bandits
CarrionConsume 30 corpses in 30 seconds
CharnelKill The Butcher in Hardcore mode
ChillingComplete a tier 50 Nightmare Dungeon
CleverAdd a gem socket to an item
Cold-BloodedComplete a tier 20 Nightmare Dungeon
CommittedComplete 25 Silent Offerings for the Tree of Whispers
CompleteKill every World Boss in Hardcore mode (Ashava, Avarice, and Wandering Death)
ConsummateCraft every type of elixir (11)
CovetousPick up 1,500 gold within 30 seconds
CrimsonPick up 100 Cinders in Helltide zones in Hardcore mode
CrushingKill a World Boss
CrystallineExtract an Aspect Crystal from a Legendary item
CunningKill 100 enemies marked with Inner Sight
CuttingCollect 250 Rawhide and 100 Superior Leather
DarkSlay 5,000 cultists
DauntingComplete a Tier 15 Nightmare Dungeon
DauntlessReach level 50 in Hardcore mode
DazzlingKill 15 enemies with Ball Lightning in five seconds
DeadlyGet a PvP kill while in a party
DedicatedComplete 100 Silent Offerings for the Tree of Whispers
DevotedSlay 1,000 cultists
DiligentCollect 500 Iron Ore and 175 Silver Ore
DireGet five kills with each minion type in a single dungeon (Warrior, Mage, Golem)
DirtySlay 1,000 bandits
DistilledComplete a Nightmare Dungeon under the effects of any elixir
DistractedGet 200 kills with your Conjurations
DoggedSlay 1,000 werewolves
DrownedSlay 10,000 Drowned
DrunkenFully upgrade your healing potion
DryCollect all legendary Aspects in Dry Steppes
ElementalKill 250 frozen enemies with fire damage and 250 frozen enemies with lightning damage
EmbattledComplete a Sacred Nightmare Dungeon in Hardcore mode
EnlightenedComplete all passive trees
EquestrianUnlock access to mounts
EquippedAcquire mount armor and a trophy to unlock new customizations for your mount
EssentialImprint an item at the Occultist with an Aspect from the Codex of Power
EventfulComplete a world event while in a party
ExaltedFully upgrade a Paragon glyph
FaithfulSlay 5,000 demons
FallenComplete the Fallen Temple
FangedSlay 10,000 snakes
FerociousGather 100 of each monster part
FleetKill 30 monsters within five seconds
FoolishPick up 100 Cinders in Helltide areas
FormlessComplete a Nightmare Dungeon without taking damage
FoulSlay 1,000 Goatmen
FracturedCollect all legendary Aspects in Fractured Peaks
FragrantCraft an incense at the Alchemist
FrighteningComplete a tier 40 Nightmare Dungeon
FrightfulComplete a tier 10 Nightmare Dungeon
FrostFreeze 500 enemies
FuriousSpend 130 Fury in five seconds
GiantComplete a Silent Offering in Hardcore mode
GildedEquip a legendary or higher quality item in every slot
GlenCollect all legendary Aspects in Scosglen
GraveSlay 1,000 skeletons
GrimSlay 5,000 skeletons
HallowedComplete the Cathedral of Light
HastyKill 15 monsters within three seconds
HellishPick up 1,000 Cinders in Helltide areas
HermeticEquip a skill in every enchantment slot
HolyKill ten different extremely rare monsters in the open world
HonoredReach level 50 as a Barbarian
HornedSlay 10,000 Goat
HorrifyingComplete a tier 75 Nightmare Dungeon
HowlingKill 500 enemies with tornadoes in a dungeon as a Druid
HungrySlay 1,000 cannibals
ImbuedKill ten enemies with each Imbue within 30 seconds
InsatiableSlay 10,000 cannibals
IntenseComplete a Legion event while in a party
IronUpgrade a weapon
JourneyedVisit each region of Sanctuary
LaughingSlay 10,000 skeletons
LegendaryGather all legendary crafting materials
LethalComplete a world event with mastery
Lilith’sKill the most challenging Echo of Lilith
LiminalComplete a Nightmare Dungeon under the effects of any incense
LittleSlay 1,000 Fallen
LocalComplete 300 world events with mastery
LonelySlay 1,000 ghosts
LuckyClaim an Altar of Lilith
MadSlay 5,000 bandits
MaliciousGet five PvP kills in Hardcore mode
MarshCollect all legendary Aspects in Hawezar
MercilessKill all extremely rare monsters in the open world
MeticulousKill an enemy with a two-hand bludgeoning, a two-hand slashing, and a one-hand weapon in ten seconds
MightyUse your Ultimate three times in 60 seconds as a Rogue
MurderousGet one PvP kill in Hardcore mode
MurmuringCollect 100,000 Obols
NaturalPickup 100 Druidic Spirit offerings
NecromancerUnlock two legendary Paragon nodes as a Necromancer
NecroticSlay 10,000 zombies
NefariousKill 300 enemies with your traps
NightmareComplete a tier 100 Nightmare Dungeon
NocturnalSlay 1,000 vampires
NoviceUpgrade a piece of Jewelry
OverwhelmingKill 150 stunned enemies with Overpowered attacks
PainedKill Duriel in Hardcore mode
PaleComplete the To Walk a Dark Path questline in Hawezar (four quests)
PallidGet 150 kills with each minion type (Warrior, Mage, Golem)
ParagonUnlock two legendary Paragon nodes as a Barbarian/Druid/Necromancer/Sorcerer/Rogue
PeerlessUnlock 100 Paragon nodes
PotentialUpgrade your healing potion at the Alchemist
PreparedCollect every common, uncommon, and rare crafting material
ProfaneSlay 10,000 cultists
PyroKill 200 enemies with fire damage in a single dungeon
QuickKill three elite monsters within 30 seconds
RabidKill 200 enemies infected with rabies while in Werewolf form
RavenousSlay 5,000 cannibals
RampagingKill 250 enemies with Overpower strikes while in Werebear form
RendingUse Death Blow 20 times with ten seconds
RenaissanceReach level 100 with every class
ResourcefulSalvage a common, magic, rare, and legendary item
RighteousSlay 5,000 knights
RisenSlay 1,000 zombies
RottenKill 400 enemies with Corpse Explosion
RuinousDestroy 50 objects within 60 seconds
RustedSlay 1,000 Drowned
SacredReach level 50 as a Druid
SanguinePick up ten Blood Orbs in 20 seconds
SaltySlay 5,000 Drowned
SanctifiedSlay 10,000 demons
ScarredConquer all Strongholds (15)
SeasonedConquer a Stronghold
SerialGet 25 PvP kills
SharpGet one PvP kill
ShamblingSlay 5,000 zombies
ShatteredMaintain Bonestorm for 20 seconds
ShiftyTransform 150 times without going back to human form
SightlessReach level 50 as a Rogue
SilkenSlay 5,000 spiders
SilverSlay 10,000 werewolves
SlinkingSlay 1,000 snakes
StampingSlay 1,000 spiders
SteadfastSlay 1,000 demons
SteelyKill 300 enemies with Critical Strikes from your ranged attacks
StoneKill 20 enemies with Critical Strike in ten seconds
SweatyGet ten PvP kills in Hardcore mode
SuccubusKill Lilith in Hardcore mode
TemperedReach level 100 in Hardcore mode
TerrifyingComplete a Sacred Nightmare dungeon while in a party
TidalPick up 500 Cinders in Helltide areas
TimelessComplete 100 world events with mastery
TitanKill every World Boss (Ashava, Avarice, and Wandering Death)
TheComplete quests for the Bear Tribe in Fractured Peaks (four quests)
ThoroughGather an Angelbreath and a Fiend Rose
TranscendedReach level 50 as a Sorcerer
TraveledComplete a Legion event in each region (five)
TreasureClaim all Altars of Lilith
TormentedComplete an Ancestral Nightmare Dungeon in Hardcore mode
TorturedSlay 10,000 ghosts
TwistedKill 150 enemies with your Enchantments
UnbrokenPick up 100 Cinders in Helltide areas while in a party
UnfetteredGo Berserk 200 times
UnflaggingGet 100 PvP kills
UnholyKill an extremely rare monster in the open world
UnseenKill 100 enemies with attacks from Stealth
UpstartComplete a Legion Event
VainKill Astaroth in Hardcore mode
VengefulSlay 5,000 ghosts
VenomousSlay 10,000 spiders
ViciousSlay 5,000 werewolves
VictoriousSlay 10,000 Knights
VileSlay 5,000 Goatmen
VitreousDefeat Lilith while in a party
VoltaicKill 200 Vulnerable enemies with Lightning Storm
VoraciousKill 20 enemies with each element in 30 seconds
WhisperingComplete a Whisper while in a party
WickedSlay 5,000 Fallen
WilyClaim all Altars of Lilith in one region
WindingSlay 5,000 snakes
WitheringKill 20 enemies with shadow damage in 30 seconds as a Necromancer
WorldlyKill a World Boss in Hardcore mode

Diablo 4 Title Suffixes

Slay 10,000 Goatmen
AcolyteSlay 1,000 cultists
AdventurerEquip a magic or higher quality item in every slot
AlchemistUpgrade your healing potion at the Alchemist
ApothecaryFully upgrade your healing potion
ApprenticeComplete a tier 20 Nightmare Dungeon
AristocratSlay 5,000 vampires
ArmorerPick up 100 Cinders in Helltide areas while in a party or upgrade a piece of armor
ArmouryKill an enemy with a two-hand bludgeoning, a two-hand slashing, and a one-hand weapon in ten seconds
AspirantComplete 25 Silent Offerings for the Tree of Whispers
AssailantKill Andariel in Hardcore mode
AssassinKill 100 enemies marked with Inner Sight
BandDefeat Lilith while in a party
BanditSlay 1,000 bandits
BaneSlay 10,000 werewolves
BarbarianUnlock two legendary Paragon nodes as a Barbarian
BaronPick up 1,000 Cinders in Helltide areas
BearComplete quests for the Bear Tribe in Fractured Peaks (four quests)
BeastKill 250 enemies with Overpower strikes while in Werebear form
BelieverUnlock two legendary Paragon nodes in Hardcore mode
BlackguardSlay 10,000 bandits
BlessingExtract an Aspect Crystal from a legendary item
BootsSlay 1,000 spiders
BountyReceive each type of cache from the Tree of Whispers
BraggartReach level 25 in Hardcore mode
BreakerSlay 1,000 skeletons
BrewerCraft an elixir at the Alchemist
BrewmasterCraft every type of elixir (11)
BrigadierDefeat a World Boss while in a party
BrigandSlay 5,000 bandits
BruteSlay 1,000 cannibals
ButcherSlay 10,000 cannibals
CasualtyEntered Kyovashad during the open beta or early access
CatastropheKill 250 frozen enemies with fire damage and 250 frozen enemies with lightning damage
ChallengerKill a World Boss in Hardcore mode
ChampionReach level 100 in Hardcore mode
ChangelingTransform 150 ties without going back to human form
CharmerSlay 1,000 snakes
ChefKill The Butcher in Hardcore mode
ChieftainReach level 50 as a Barbarian
ChorusComplete a Whisper while in a party
CommanderSlay 10,000 knights
ClawSlay 5,000 werewolves
CleaverUse Death Blow 20 times with ten seconds
CohortReach level 50 with every class in Hardcore mode
CollectorPick up 100 Cinders in Helltide areas
CombatantKill 15 monsters within three seconds
CommonerClaim an Altar of Lilith
ComradeComplete an Ancestral Nightmare dungeon while in a party
ConnoisseurPick up 100 Cinders in Helltide zones in Hardcore mode
ConductorKill 15 enemies with Ball Lightning in five seconds
ConjurerGet 200 kills with your Conjurations
ConquererKill every World Boss in Hardcore mode (Ashava, Avarice, and Wandering Death)
CoordinatorComplete a World Event while in a party
CurseKill 20 enemies with Shadow damage in 30 seconds as a Necromancer
CreatureSlay 1,000 vampires
CulpritGet a PvP kill while in a party
CutthroatGet 100 PvP kills
DancerKill an elite enemy with a two-hand bludgeoning, a two-hand slashing, and a one-hand weapon in ten seconds
DeadeyeKill 300 enemies with Critical Strikes from your ranged attacks
DeathspeakerReach level 50 as a Necromancer
DelverComplete a dungeon within two minutes
DesertCollect all legendary Aspects in Kehjistan
DestroyerKill 200 Vulnerable enemies with Lightning Storm
DesolationKill 150 Vulnerable enemies with Critical Strikes
DevilSlay 5,000 Fallen
DevoteeComplete 100 Silent Offerings for the Tree of Whispers
DrifterConquer a Stronghold
DominanceKill a World Boss
DoomKill the most challenging Echo of Lilith
DreadSlay 5,000 zombies
DredgerCollect all legendary Aspects in Kehjistan
DruidUnlock two legendary Paragon nodes as a Druid
DungeoneerCollect all legendary Aspects in Dry Steppes
EaterConsume 30 corpses in 30 seconds
EchoSlay 1,000 ghosts
ElderReach level 50 as a Druid
EnchanterEquip a skill in every enchantment slot
ExecutionerKill 150 stunned enemies with overpowered attacks
ExemplarUnlock 100 Paragon nodes
ExorcistSlay 5,000 demons
ExplorerComplete a Sacred Nightmare Dungeon in Hardcore mode
FearSlay 1,000 zombies
FiendSlay 10,000 Fallen
FirestarterKill 20 enemies with each element in 30 seconds
FloristGather an Angelbreath and a Fiend Rose
FoeKill 30 monsters within five seconds
FoolComplete a Legion event
Fortune-HunterComplete a Tier 40 Nightmare Dungeon
FugitiveComplete a Nightmare Dungeon without taking damage
GamblerCollect 100,000 Obols
GhostSlay 5,000 ghosts
GluttonSlay 5,000 cannibals
GoatSlay 1,000 Goatmen
GrandmasterComplete a tier 100 Nightmare Dungeon
GuardianReach level 100 with every class
HarbingerComplete the To Walk a Dark Path questline in Hawezar (four quests)
HarvesterCollect every common, uncommon, and rare crafting material
HerbalistCollect 250 Gallowvine and 75 of all other common and uncommon herbs
HereticSlay 10,000 cultists
HeroReach level 50 in Hardcore mode
HoarderClaim all Altars of Lilith
HoradrimSlay 10,000 demons
HorrorSlay 10,000 zombies
HoundKill 200 enemies infected with rabies while in Werewolf form
HunterKill one of each wildlife (passive animals)
IconoclastComplete the Cathedral of Light
ImmortalSlay 10,000 vampires
ImpSlay 1,000 Fallen
InitiateComplete a Tier 5 Nightmare Dungeon
JewelerUpgrade a piece of Jewelry
JockeyAcquire mount armor and a trophy to unlock new customizations for your mount
KillerKill three elite monsters within 30 seconds
KindredVisit each region of Sanctuary
KnightSlay 5,000 knights
LegendComplete 300 world events with mastery
LegionGet 150 kills with each minion type (Warrior, Mage, Golem)
LordGet five kills with each minion type in a single dungeon (Warrior, Mage, Golem)
LoutComplete a world event with mastery
MaestroKill 100 enemies with attacks from Stealth
ManiacKill 200 enemies with fire damage in a single dungeon
MarauderCollect all legendary Aspects in Hawezar
MarinerSlay 5,000 Drowned
MasterComplete a Tier 75 Nightmare Dungeon or reach level 50 as a Sorcerer
MenaceCollect all legendary Aspects in Scosglen
MercyComplete a Silent Offering for the Tree of Whispers
MessKill 30 Vulnerable enemies in 15 seconds
MinerCollect 500 iron ore and 175 silver ore
MurdererGet ten PvP kills in Hardcore mode
MysteryUse your Ultimate three times in 60 seconds as a Rogue or complete a Nightmare Dungeon under the effects of any elixir
NemesisSlay 10,000 spiders
NightmareKill an extremely rare monster in the open world
OnslaughtKill 400 enemies with Corpse Explosion
OpportunistUnlock access to mounts
ParagonFully upgrade a Paragon glyph
PerfumerCraft an incense at the Alchemist
PhantomComplete an Ancestral Nightmare Dungeon in Hardcore mode
PirateSlay 10,000 Drowned
PowerImprint an item at the Occultist with an Aspect from the Codex of Power
PredatorGet 25 PvP kills
ProtectorKill Duriel in Hardcore mode
PursuerKill all extremely rare monsters in the open world
RageGo Berserk 200 times
RansackerCollect all legendary Aspects in Fractured Peaks
RaptureMaintain Bonestorm for 20 seconds
RatGet one PvP kill in Hardcore mode
RavagerKill 45 monsters within eight seconds
ReaperComplete a Whisper of each type
RogueUnlock two legendary Paragon nodes as a Rogue
RuinSpend 130 Fury in five seconds
SacrificeComplete a Silent Offering in Hardcore mode
SageCraft every type of incense (ten)
SalvagerSalvage a Common, Magic, Rare, and Legendary item
ScavengerGather all Legendary crafting materials
ScourgeSlay 10,000 snakes
ScoutComplete a tier ten Nightmare Dungeon
SeekerClaim all Altars of Lilith in one region
ScoundrelKill ten enemies with each Imbue within 30 seconds (Cold, Poison, and Shadow)
ShamanSlay 5,000 Goatmen
ShepherdComplete a Legion event in each region (five)
ShieldConquer all Strongholds (15)
SinnerComplete the Fallen Temple
SkinnerCollect 250 Rawhide and 100 Superior Leather
SkullSlay 10,000 skeletons
SlayerSlay 1,000 demons
SmithUpgrade a weapon
SorcererUnlock two legendary Paragon nodes as a Sorcerer
SovereignEquip a legendary or higher quality item in every slot
SpecterReach level 50 as a Rogue
SpellbinderKill 150 enemies with your enchantments
SpiderSlay 5,000 spiders
SpiritComplete all passive trees
SquireSlay 1,000 knights
StalkerSlay 1,000 werewolves
StrangerComplete a tier 15 Nightmare Dungeon
StrikerSlay 5,000 snakes
SundererKill 20 enemies with Critical Strike in ten seconds
SupplanterKill Lilith in Hardcore mode
SurveyorConquer a Stronghold in each region (five)
TeamComplete a Sacred Nightmare dungeon while in a party
TempestKill 500 enemies with tornadoes in a dungeon as a Druid
TerrorKill ten different extremely rare monsters in the open world
ThiefPick up 1,500 gold within 30 seconds
TinkerAdd a gem socket to an item
TopplerKill every World Boss (Ashava, Avarice, and Wandering Death)
TrackerGather 100 of each monster part
TravelerComplete a Whisper
TricksterKill 300 enemies with your Traps
TyrantComplete 100 World Events with Mastery
TycoonPick up 500 Cinders in Helltide areas
UnderdogGet one PvP kill
UndertakerSlay 5,000 skeletons
VandalDestroy 50 objects within 60 seconds
VanquisherComplete a Legion event while in a party
VaporComplete a Nightmare Dungeon under the effects of any incense
VenturerComplete a tier 30 Nightmare Dungeon
VictorKill Astaroth in Hardcore mode
VillainGet five PvP kills in Hardcore mode
VitalityPick up ten Blood Orbs in 20 seconds
VoiceUse your Shouts 500 times
VoyagerAchieved level 20 during open beta or early access
WandererComplete a tier 50 Nightmare Dungeon
WarriorPickup 100 Druidic Spirit offerings
WayfarerEquip a rare or higher quality item in every slot
WitchFreeze 500 enemies
WraithSlay 10,000 ghosts
WretchSlay 1,000 Drowned
ZealotSlay 5,000 cultists

And with that, that’s how you can get all the Diablo 4 titles. Like this article? Please Share with friends.


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