Baldur's Gate 3: 8 Best Cloaks

Cloaks in Baldur's Gate 3 are a type of Armor that provides additional protection and various other bonuses to your characters. In addition, it can even entirely alter the way you play your character, all while looking stunning. There are many cloaks in the game everyone wants more; here are the best options in BG3.

1. Cindermoth Cloak

The Cindermoth Cloak, as the name implies, inflicts the burning condition on any enemy that deals damage to the wearer if they are within seven feet. This trigger can be used infinitely and even includes area-of-effect spells and thrown items that don't target the wearer. Unfortunately, it has to be looted from Aelis Siryasius, which is an optional fight with a handful of moral ambiguity.

2. Reverse Rain Cloak

The Reverse Rain Cloak is meant to be a prank item that is won randomly from Akabi's Wheel of Wonders. Ironically, it is an upgraded version of the Wavemother's Cloak, which has the same effect of granting immunity to Burning and resistance to fire damage at the expense of vulnerability to cold and lightning damage but without it going away after getting hit. In addition, you can even use it as a portable bath for when your character gets too grimy by applying the Wet condition and removing it right after.

3. Vivacious Cloak

The Vivacious Cloak is one that any spellcaster must consider wearing. The cloak offers the ability "Arcane Vivaciousness," which grants the wearer 7 temporary hit points after the wearer casts a spell while being in melee. Whether the player's character is a glass cannon, just wants to stay on the safe side, or get themselves out of a pickle, this one can really come in handy. The cloak can be found in a chest at the Grand Mausoleum at coordinates (X-260, Y-881).

4. Cloak Of Displacement

The Cloak of Displacement is a defensive item that gives the wearer the effects of the Blur spell at the start of their turn and removes it after taking damage. This makes every attack that targets the wearer have a near-permanent disadvantage. The cloak of Displacement offers benefits that synergize effectively with any class. You can equip it to your character's chest slot in the inventory, providing additional bonuses and buffs. There are no requirements for this item. You can equip it on any class, companion, or character.

5. The Deathstalker Mantle

The Deathstalker Mantle is a unique cloak in that it is only available to those who play the Dark Urge origin character and gifted by Sceleritas Fel after giving in to your more debased impulses. Although it is tempting due to the exceptionally strong effect of becoming invisible for two turns after killing an enemy. This can be used to automatically gain an advantage on your next attack, disengage without using an action or bonus action, and doesn't have a limit on uses. This makes it one of the strongest magic items in the game, let alone out of just the cloaks.

6. Mantle Of The Holy Warrior

Sold by Vicar Humbletoes in the Stormshore Tabernacle, the Mantle of the Holy Warrior gives you access to the powerful third-level spell, Crusader's Mantle, which is normally only available to Paladins, War Clerics, and Lore Bards. Although you can only cast it once per long rest, Crusader's Mantle gives all nearby allies an additional 1d4 radiant damage to weapon attacks, which is one of the few damage types with no resistances other than from Deva and can be applied to all summoned creatures and temporary allies simultaneously.

7. Cloak Of The Weave

The Cloak Of The Weave is the best cloak for magic users simply for the bonus to spell save DC and attack rolls. Its Absorb Elements ability is just a bonus if you want to use it as a defense item, especially against elemental creatures or spellcasters. Despite Absorb Elements being a spell in Dungeons & Dragons, its only appearance in Baldur's Gate 3 is as a passive ability, which means you shouldn't rely on combo effects with spellcasting if you were expecting it to be implemented in the same way.

8. Shade-Slayer Cloak

The Shade-Slayer Cloak is one of the few items in Baldur's Gate 3 that reduces the number needed on an attack roll for it to be considered a critical hit. The normal number being a 20, with each item increasing the chance by five percent. This is an essential item for crit-chance builds but can be useful for any character that can give themselves advantages on attack rolls, like Rogues, or to characters that have multiple attacks per turn, especially Monks or Fighters.

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