Diablo 4: The Best Stats Tier List

This guide will show you a list of the best stats where you will commonly find on weapons and armor. Then you can easily find the stat you need to further improve or complete your builds.

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Vulnerable(Status Ailments): Enemies take 20% increased damage.
Vulnerable Damage(Offensive): Extra damage granted against Vulnerable enemies. Has a base value of 20.0%.


  • Cooldown Reduction(Utility): Reduces the Cooldowns of all active Skills.
  • Critical Strike Chance(Offensive): When a Skill deals damage, it has a chance to Critically Strike that deal 50.0% bonus damage. Damage over time cannot Critically Strike.
  • Critical Strike Damage(Offensive): Extra damage granted to Skills when they Critically Strike. Has a base value of 50.0%. Capped at 100% against other Players.
  • Damage Reduction(Defensive): Reduces the amount of Damage you take.


  • Damage to Close Enemies(Offensive): Increases Damage to close enemies.
  • Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies(Offensive): Increased Damage to enemies that are crown controlled.
  • Lightning Damage(Offensive): Increases Lightning Damage.
  • Lucky Hit Chance(Utility): Increases the chance of triggering Lucky Hits with your Skills.
  • Poison Damage(Offensive): Increases Poison Damage.


  • Attack Speed(Offensive): Determines the speed at which you swing your weapon.
  • Basic Skill Damage(Offensive): Increases Damage dealt by Basic Skills.
  • Damage Over Time(Defensive): Damage dealt over a period of time.
  • Damage to Distant Enemies(Defensive): Increases Damage to distant enemies.
  • Damage to Slowed Enemies(Offensive): Increases Damage to slowed enemies.
  • Fire Damage(Offensive): Increases Fire Damage.
  • Frozen(Status Ailments): Enemies cannot move or attack. Enemies can be Frozen by repeatedly chilling them.
  • Fury(Utility): Fury is the primary resource for the barbarian class.
  • Movement Speed(Utility): You run at 100.0% of base Movement Speed. You may have a maximum of 125.0% Movement Speed as a basic stat. Temporary buffs may exceed this limit.
  • Shadow Damage(Offensive): Increases Shadow Damage.
  • Slow(Utility): Reduces the movement speed of the enemies.


  • Bleed(Offensive): Deals damage over time.
  • Cold Damage(Offensive): Increases Cold Damage.
  • Crowd Control Duration(Offensive): Reduces the duration of incoming Control Impairing Effects, expect Knockback. This means the following effects duration will be reduced Daze, Knockdown, Tether, Slow, Immobilize, Stun, Taunt, Fear, Chill, Freeze.
  • Damage to Healthy Enemies(Offensive): Increases Damage to healthy enemies.
  • Essence(Utility): Essence is the primary resource for the necromancer class.
  • Fortify(Defensive): Fortified Characters take 10% decreased damage. You become Fortified when you have more Fortify than current Life.
  • Healthy(Status Ailments): User has more than 80% of their Life.
  • Maximum Life
  • Defensive(Defensive): If you lose all your Life, you die.
  • Overpower(Offensive): Deals bonus damage based on the sum of your current Life and Fortified Life.
  • Overpower Damage(Offensive):  Extra damage granted to Skills when they Overpower. Stacks with the bonus damage inherently granted to Overpowers based on your current Life and Fortify. The bonus damage dealt scales with the Skill that Overpowered., Has a base value of 50.0%.Capped at 150% against other Players.
  • Shock Damage(Defensive): Increases Shock Damage.


  • Armor(Defensive): Reduces incoming Physical damage taken. This applies to both direct Physical damage and Bleeding damage over time. Non-Physical damage taken is partially reduced according to your Armor Contribution.
  • Armor Contribution(Defensive): The inherent percentage that Armor contributes to your base damage reduction against non-Physical attacks. The remaining damage reduction is determined by your appropriate Elemental resistances.
  • Barrier(Defensive): Barriers absorb damage from all sources up to a specified amount.
  • Barrier Generation(Defensive): Increases the rate at which you generate your barrier.
  • Berserking(Offensive): Increases your damage by 25% and your movement speed by 30%.
  • Block Chance(Defensive): Increases chance to block attacks.
  • Blood Orb(Utility): Heal you for 15% of your Maximum Life when picked up.
  • Chance to Ignore Damage Taken(Defensive): Increases chance to ignore damage taken.
  • Chilled(Status Ailments): Enemies have reduced movement speed. Repeatedly chilling an enemy will Freeze it.
  • Cold Resistance(Defensive): Reduces incoming Cold damage by 0.2%. Makes up 50% of your initial damage reduction from Cold, with the remainder contributed by Armor.
  • Crackling Energy(Offensive): Periodically damages nearby enemies when picked up.
  • Damage Taken from Close Enemies(Defensive): Reduces Damage from close enemies.
  • Damage Taken from Distant Enemies(Defensive): Reduces Damage from distant enemies.
  • Damage to Injured Enemies(Offensive): Increases Damage to injured enemies.
  • Damage while Standing Still(Offensive): Increases Damage while standing still.
  • Dazed(Status Ailments): Enemies cannot attack or use skills but are still able to move.
  • Dodge Chance(Defensive): When you would receive direct damage, you have a chance to Dodge it. Dodged attacks deal no damage.
  • Energy(Utility): Energy is the primary resource for the rogue class.
  • Fire Resistance(Defensive): Reduces incoming Fire damage by 0.2%. This applies to both direct Fire damage and Burning damage over time. Makes up 50% of your initial damage reduction from Fire, with the remainder contributed by Armor.
  • Healing Received(Utility): Increases healing received.
  • Immune(Defensive): While Immune, you cannot be damaged and all negative effects are removed and prevented.
  • Injured(Status Ailments): User has less than 35% of their Life.
  • Life On Kill(Utility): Grants X Life per enemy killed.
  • Lightning Resistance(Defensive): Reduces incoming Lightning damage by 0.2%. Makes up 50% of your initial damage reduction from Lightning, with the remainder contributed by Armor.
  • Mana(Utility): Mana is the primary resource for the sorceress class.
  • Overpower Chance(Offensive): When you cast a Skill, it has a chance to Overpower all of the damage it deals.  Overpowers deal bonus damage based on the sum of your current Life and Fortify. The bonus damage dealt scales with the Skill that Overpowered. Damage overtime, passive abilities, and Channeled Skills cannot Overpower. Your chance to Overpower cannot increase as a basic stat, but they can be guaranteed by specific effects.
  • Poison Resistance(Defensive): Reduces incoming Poison damage by 0.2%. This applies to both direct Poison damage and Poisoning damage over time. Makes up 50% of your initial damage reduction from Poison, with the remainder contributed by Armor.
  • Potion Charges(Defensive): The total number of Potion Charges you can have available at a time.
  • PvP Damage Reduction(PVP): Inherent damage reduction granted against other Players in PvP. Stacks with all other sources of Damage Reduction.
  • Shadow Resistance(Defensive): Reduces incoming Shadow damage by 0.2%. This applies to both direct Shadow damage and Shadow damage over time. Makes up 50% of your initial damage reduction from Shadow, with the remainder contributed by Armor.
  • Spirit(Utility): Spirit is the primary resource for the druid class.
  • Stealth(Utility): Characters cannot be directly targeted by enemies. Using an attack or taking damage will instantly remove Stealth.
  • Thorns(Offensive): Deals damage to attackers when hit by direct attacks. Excludes attacks that are entirety damage over time.Damage dealt is affected by the Skill damage increase from your Intelligence.
  • Ultimate Skill Damage(Offensive): Increases Damage dealt by Ultimate Skills.
  • Unstoppable(Defensive): While Unstoppable, control impairing effects are removed and prevented.
  • Weapon Damage(Offensive): The base damage of your equipped weapon. Skills scale their base damage using this value. When wielding One-Handed weapons, this is the sum of their base attack values. When wielding a Two-Handed weapon, this is its base attack value.
  • Weapon Speed(Offensive): This is the base Attack Speed inherent to your weapon before applying bonuses. When wielding One-Handed weapons, their weapon speeds are averaged.


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