Diablo 4: The Best Stats Tier List

This guide will show you a list of the best stats where you will commonly find on weapons and armor. Then you can easily find the stat you need to further improve or complete your builds. Note: All these info come from U4gm . You can discover more valuable insights and expert tips here that have the potential to revolutionize your Diablo 4 gaming experience. Also, they offer the cheapest Diablo 4 Items for sale here that help you achieve your builds quickly and easily. S-Tier Vulnerable(Status Ailments): Enemies take 20% increased damage. Vulnerable Damage(Offensive): Extra damage granted against Vulnerable enemies. Has a base value of 20.0%. A-Tier Cooldown Reduction(Utility): Reduces the Cooldowns of all active Skills. Critical Strike Chance(Offensive): When a Skill deals damage, it has a chance to Critically Strike that deal 50.0% bonus damage. Damage over time cannot Critically Strike. Critical Strike Damage(Offensive): Extra damage granted to Skills when they Critically Strike. H...