Diablo 4 Season 3: Best Necromancer Builds Tier List

If you are looking for the best Necromancer builds for Diablo 4's Season of the Construct, you are in the right place!

S Tier Necromancer Builds for Diablo 4 Season 3

Bone Spear Necromancer

Pros: Massive Damage, Very Tanky, Good CC Options

The Bone Spear Necromancer is an explosive ranged build that controls the battlefield while dealing massive damage due to high Critical Strike and Max Essence damage scaling. With the right Legendary powers and Uniques, it can even obtain some AoE properties to further boost its effectiveness. It's an easy build to learn and has a depth that makes it fun to master. While the build can become a bit monotonous after a certain amount of time, in terms of raw numbers, there is no denying that Bone Spear is going to remain as the best Necromancer endgame build in the game.

A Tier Necromancer Builds for Diablo 4 Season 3

Infinimist Necromancer

Pros: Very Mobile, Very Tanky, Great AoE Damage

The Infinimist Necromancer build is nearly unstoppable, allowing you to damage enemies while permanently remaining safely inside your bloodmist, unable to take damage, while shredding everything around you. The build does lack single-target damage and can struggle against bosses, but you will be able to offset that weakness with the new Seneschal Companion available in Season 3. Infinimist was already quite popular in Season 2, and the latest patch has not made any significant changes to the build, meaning it will remain as one of the most fun experiences.

Blood Surge Necromancer

Pros: Very Mobile, Insanely Tanky, Great AoE Damage

The Diablo 4 Blood Surge build is one of the decent setups for the Necromancer, enabling you to clear out activities faster along with increasing the survivability factor. The Blood Surge build aims to not only leverage one of the minions but also utilize the Blood Surge skill. You will benefit from upgrading your Blood Surge skill, which enables you to draw blood from your foes along with triggering a blood nova to deal massive damage. The build got nerfed a small amount with the new Overpower changes, but that is not significant enough to change its placement on this tier list.

B Tier Necromancer Builds for Diablo 4 Season 3

Blood Lance Necromancer

Pros: Great AoE Damage, Very Tanky

Between Blood Lance's power, range, and speed, this build can very easily deal with the hardest content in the game. This inherently makes the build quite safe overall. The build has not received any significant changes in Season 3. The build lacks focused single-target damage and will not perform the best against some of the stronger bosses in the game, but if you are looking for a strong and satisfying build to run dungeons with, Blood Lance might just be for you!

Sever Necromancer

Pros: Great AoE Clear, Not Gear Dependent, Can Transition Easily

The Sever Necromancer build is the coolest-looking build in Diablo 4! Sever sends a scythe-wielding reaper screaming across the battlefield to eviscerate your enemies up to 4 times. Coupled with the amazing damage output and consistent Crowd Control (CC) of Darkness skills, this Shadow-wielding powerhouse absolutely annihilates. Sever Necro has multiple ways of applying Vulnerable to benefit from a massive damage boost with ease. If you are looking for a good build that you can take from the start of the game all the way through the hardest content available, Sever might be your build for Season 3!

C Tier Necromancer Builds for Diablo 4 Season 3

Summoner Necromancer

Pros: AFK Playstyle, Decent ST Damage, Fun & Easy To Play

The Summoner Necromancer build focuses solely on your minions and summons. The Army of the Dead Ultimate Skill will be the main focus of this build, as it will just take care of all your enemies while you stay back and enjoy the view. Alongside this, you will also get to see your Golem bashing through enemy lines and making them vulnerable for you to put down the final strike on them. If you do not want to focus much on your melee skills and want a big army following you, this is the build you should opt for.

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