Diablo 4 Season 3: Best Sorcerer Builds Tier List

In this article, we are going to go over the best Sorcerer builds you can play during Season of the Construct in Diablo 4!

S Tier Sorcerer Builds for Diablo 4 Season 3

Meteor Sorcerer

Pros: Great AoE Damage, Great AoE Clear, Very Mobile

The goal of the meteor sorcerer is to rain fiery, impending doom and destruction on anything in its path and to look good doing it. While it is currently not the strongest skill the Sorcerer has at its disposal, Meteor is more than capable of doing all endgame content with its above-average base skill damage and, more importantly, its stylish visuals. In addition, Season 3 is adding a brand new unique D4 item called the Starfall Coronet and making the Meteor Sorcerer really stronger.

Arc Lash Sorcerer

Pros: Extremely tanky, great AoE damage, good CC

This is a very tanky melee-oriented Sorcerer build that aims to stay up close, annihilating its enemies with Arc Lash and Ball Lightning procs. It does great AoE and single-target damage, it's very mobile, and it's extremely tanky—all the qualities you are looking for while doing endgame content in Diablo 4. If you are looking for a stable and consistent build among the many variables within the Sorcerer class, then Arc Lash might be the build for you.

A Tier Sorcerer Builds for Diablo 4 Season 3

Ball Lightning Sorcerer

Pros: very mobile, massive AoE damage, very tanky

The Ball Lightning Sorcerer is similar to the Arc Lash Sorcerer build but pushes more power towards Ball Lightning, which turns you into a rolling ball of death. This build is very easy to play and gives powerful results once you have time to ramp up your damage. If you can keep your mana high enough to keep a dozen or more balls of lightning surrounding you, you can annihilate anything that comes close to you. Unfortunately, the new update has come with heavy nerfs. Blizzard has lowered its attack speed scaling from 200% to 25%. Even with this bug fix, the build finds itself in our A Tier, which goes to show how insanely strong.

B-Tier Sorcerer Builds for Diablo 4 Season 3

Firewall Sorcerer

Pros: high AoE damage, very tanky, good CC

Cover your screen in flames and meteors! This build excels in speed clearing and dealing with large packs of monsters. The amazing synergy between Firewall and Meteor enchantments proccing each other makes for a satisfying playstyle! The build did not receive any significant changes during patch 1.3, and with the addition of the new Seneschal Companion, it might actually be stronger than what we anticipate. Either way, the build will serve its purpose, and if this is something you are looking for, give Firewall a try.

Ice Shards Sorcerer

Pros: Great AoE damage, decent ST damage, very tanky

The Ice Shards Sorcerer build is a great option if you are looking to speed farm Nightmare Dungeons, either to farm for items or to simply level up. With this build, you are going to rely on big Frost Nova explosions during AoE situations while machine-gun firing your Ice Shards when you are dealing with Elites or Bosses. The build does competitive damage and scales pretty well into the late game, but it does require a lot of specific items to make it work well!

C-Tier Sorcerer Builds for Diablo 4 Season 3

Chain Lightning Sorcerer
Pros: Great AoE Damage, Great AoE Clear, Great CC

The Chain Lightning Sorcerer build releases shockingly powerful electricity that bounces through the battlefield. It is designed to inflict substantial damage by hitting a single target repeatedly or by chaining through enemies in a group. However, it struggles to scale in the later stages of the game. The reason we have put the build on this list is due to how great it is during the earlier stages of the endgame, allowing you to farm some of the items required before respecing into a better scaling build. Chain Lightning also received some indirect nerfs in Season 3, which are not significant enough to worry about. If you are looking for a fun starter build for Season 3, Chain Lightning is a great option.

Recommend: Diablo 4 Season 3: All the Best Rogue Builds Tier List


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