Diablo 4 Season 3: All the Best Rogue Builds Tier List

Here is a tier list for all the best Rogue builds you can play in Diablo 4: Season of the Construct!

Note: All of this information comes from U4gm. You can discover more valuable insights and expert tips here that have the potential to revolutionize your Diablo 4 gaming experience. Also, you can buy cheap D4 items here that help you achieve your goals easily.

S Tier Rogue Builds for Diablo 4 Season 3

1) Twisting Blades Rogue

Pros: Great AoE Damage, Great Burst Damage, Very Mobile
Cons: Mediocre Survivability, Requires Positioning, High APM

Twisting Blades Rogue build eviscerates your foes before they know what hit them. While Twisting Blades got hit with significant nerfs for Season 3, The number of blades that rotate around your character has been reduced from 3 to 2, and the build was so far ahead of the rest of the options for the Rogue class. This fast-paced burst leveling build is perfect for players who want a more complex and involved playstyle. Fly through the battlefield with the Twisting Blades Rogue!

2) Penetrating Shot Rogue

Pros: Amazing AoE Damage, Strong ST Damage, Ranged
Cons: Mediocre Survivability, Requires Positioning

The Penetrating Shot Rogue is one of the strongest and most fun builds available to the class. If Rapid Fire was dubbed the 'Machine Gun' build, then Pen Shot is the 'Shotgun' variation. You will be firing one massive piercing arrow that will annihilate anything in its wake, with a very satisfying sound effect to boot. The way the skill scales got changed in a minor way, and a key passive called Precision also received a buff, granting you increased critical strike chance as well as more spirit. All of this, combined with the fact that some of the unique bows have been reworked, is the perfect storm for this to become the premier build available for Rogues in Season 3.

A Tier Rogue Builds for Diablo 4 Season 3

1) Barrage Rogue

Pros: Great AoE Damage, Decent Survivability, Very Mobile
Cons: resource-starved; requires positioning

Barrage is the perfect core skill for players wanting a simple playstyle that is effective for any battle. It can be used to deliver a spread of arrows to hit multiple enemies within a pack or casted up close to tougher elites and bosses to shotgun them with every arrow. It is a versatile build that is a bit of a hybrid, as you are technically using a ranged skill, but most of the time you will find yourself in melee range. This can create some complications, especially in terms of survivability, as it is much better to be further away from your enemies.

2) Rapid Fire Rogue

Pros: Great AoE Damage, Decent Survivability, Very Mobile
Cons: resource-starved; requires positioning

The Rapid Fire Rogue is a build that deals massive amounts of single-target damage and is capable of clearing any content in the game, including level 100 Nightmare Dungeons and Uber Bosses. Often dubbed the 'Machine Gun' build for the class, you are going to be firing bursts of arrows at your enemies, quickly depleting their health bars. This build lacks AoE clearing capabilities and is often slower in terms of clear speed compared to most of the other builds on this list, but if you are looking for pure single-target damage, then there is no equal. With some gear investment, this becomes one of the best builds in the game for farming Uber Bosses for uniques.

B-Tier Rogue Builds for Diablo 4 Season 3

1) Death Trap Rogue

Pros: good clear speed, fun to play, very mobile
Cons: Mediocre Damage, Requires Positioning

This build combines extraordinary crowd control, utility, and raw power into one package to deal with anything the game has to offer. While Poison Trap or Death Trap may be included in any Rogue build, this one specializes in them by combining both with the trap-themed Exposure Key Passive. Pairing this with the high-luck hit chances of Twisting Blades allows you to reset your traps in a matter of seconds to unleash hell on your foes at all times!

C-Tier Rogue Builds for Diablo 4 Season 3

1) Flurry Rogue

Pros: Great Entry Build, Decent Damage, Decent Survivability
Cons: Mediocre Clear Speed; Doesn't Scale Well

Flurry Rogue is a very fast-paced melee build, making it a perfect league starter as it requires little to no specific items for it to be effective. While this build does not compete with the other mentions on this list, keep in mind that most of them are something you will delve into in the later stages of the game. In terms of damage output, Flurry is going to be consistent enough to handle most of the low-to-mid-level Nightmare Dungeons but will fall off quickly towards the middle stages of the endgame.


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