Diablo 4 Season 3: Best Sorcerer Builds Tier List

In this article, we are going to go over the best Sorcerer builds you can play during Season of the Construct in Diablo 4! S Tier Sorcerer Builds for Diablo 4 Season 3 Meteor Sorcerer Pros: Great AoE Damage, Great AoE Clear, Very Mobile The goal of the meteor sorcerer is to rain fiery, impending doom and destruction on anything in its path and to look good doing it. While it is currently not the strongest skill the Sorcerer has at its disposal, Meteor is more than capable of doing all endgame content with its above-average base skill damage and, more importantly, its stylish visuals. In addition, Season 3 is adding a brand new unique D4 item called the Starfall Coronet and making the Meteor Sorcerer really stronger. Arc Lash Sorcerer Pros: Extremely tanky, great AoE damage, good CC This is a very tanky melee-oriented Sorcerer build that aims to stay up close, annihilating its enemies with Arc Lash and Ball Lightning procs. It does great AoE and single-target damage, it's very mobil...