Raid Shadow Legends: The Best Champions In The Demonspawn Faction

The Demonspawn faction is home to some of the best champions in Raid: Shadow Legends; players can harness their raw power to decimate their foes. If you're interested in them, it's generally best to start with Raid: Shadow Legends Accounts. Building up your champions over time can be a rewarding aspect of the game. However, there are too many champions to choose the best one in the game. So, in this guide, we will show you some great ones for players to pick.

1. Duchess Lilitu

Duchess Lilitu is one of the most sought-after champions in the game who can carry your entire team, speed up your game progression and the best part is she will still be viable till the end game content! If you manage to summon her, congratulations and end-game content will be a cakewalk after dressing her up with upgraded artifacts farmed from the dungeons.


 Abyssal Invocation: Single-target double-hitter that places a Shield buff on both Duchess herself and an ally with the lowest HP.
 Shroud Of Souls: Grants both Block Damage and Increase Attack buffs to all allies, as well as a Perfect Veil buff.
 Spectral Rebirth: Revives all allies with 70% HP. Places both Veil and Continuous Heal buffs on all allies.
 Ethereal Ways: A passive skill that decreases incoming AOE damage by 25%.

2. Prince Kymar

Prince Kymar is a Legendary Support Magic champion from Demonspawn in Raid Shadow Legends. Prince Kymar skill revolves around applying Poison debuff, resetting allies skill cooldown and crowd-controlling enemies by placing them to Sleep after removing their buffs. He is the most sought-after champion because he has multiple usages for end-game speed farming Arena and Dungeons.


 Phantom Fire: An AOE attack that places a Poison debuff if critical.
 Abyssal Gaze: An AOE attack that removes all buffs from enemies and places a Sleep debuff.
 Seal Of Magic: Resets all ally skills and fills their Turn Meters by 20%.

3. Helicath

Helicath is a Legendary Spirit Defense Champion from the Demonspawn Faction. He was released in June 2022 as part of a Fragment Event. He is one of the best Champions made available to players as a summon via a Fusion event, instantly proving himself as an impenetrable wall of defensive power. Helicath can completely block incoming damage to allies while consistently counterattacking his enemies.


 Pyroclastic Claws: Single-target double-hitter, with each hit having a good chance of inflicting a Weaken debuff. Will also ignore Shield and Block Damage buffs.
 Winds Of The Pit: An AOE attack that places a Shield buff on all allies.
 Devoted Servants: Applies a Block Damage buff on all allies. Replaces the Block Damage buff with an Increase Defense buff if removed or expired.
 Feast Of Agony: A passive skill that allows Helicath to counterattack whenever an ally under a Block Damage buff is attacked. Also raises Helicath's Defense by 5% for every Block Damage buff on allies.

4. Candraphon

Candraphon is a Legendary Force Attack Champion from the Demonspawn Faction. He is one of the most used attack Champions in Platinum Arena. He hits really hard, especially when under a veil/perfect veil.


 Punish Hubris: Single-target attack places an extra hit if the enemy is under a buff.
 Butcher's Glee: AOE attack grants an extra turn and resets the cooldown of Candraphon's On The Hunt skill if it kills an enemy.
 On The Hunt: Grants a Perfect Veil buff, Increase Attack buff, Increase Speed buff, and Increase Critical Damage buff on Candraphon.
 From The Shadows: A passive skill that places a Perfect Veil buff on Candraphon every time an enemy's Turn Meter is filled. Also increases damage from and decreases incoming damage to Candraphon when under the effects of a Perfect Veil buff.

5. Sicia Flametongue

Sicia Flametongue is a Legendary Attack Force champion from the Demonspawn faction in RAID: Shadow Legends with an uncomplicated kit that has one purpose: to burn. Able to place, activate, and extend HP Burn debuffs, Sicia can cause massive damage and dominate bosses like Spider.


 Towering Inferno: Single-target triple-hitter with each hit having a chance to extend an HP Burn debuff.
 Flame Eruption: AOE attack places both Weaken and Decrease Defense debuffs. Instantly activates any HP Burn debuffs on enemies.
 Firestorm Rite: AOE attack inflicts an HP Burn. It can also grant an extra turn if all enemies receive HP Burn debuffs.
 Metaphysics: A passive skill that increases Sicia's Speed and damage for every HP Burn debuff active in the battle.


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