Fallout 76: 5 Hardest Achievements/Trophies To Unlock

From hacking terminals to taking down lots of Trogs, many trophies can be unlocked in Fallout 76. However, there are some challenging and low completion rates. Players are going to have to put in a lot of time if they want to complete them. In this guide, we will show you the 5 hardest Achievements/Trophies to unlock in Fallout 76.

1. Weed Killer(Completion Rate: 0.56%)

To unlock this trophy, the player will need to kill 100 Overgrown with fire. While the completion is easy, but percentage is incredibly low, which is mostly due to the Overgrown being fairly new enemies in the game. They were only introduced with the Atlantic City expeditions update. And as more players want to complete this challenge, the difficulties can be imagined. Remember that unless the player has a dedicated flamer build, killing 100 overgrown can't be done in a single expedition, so the player will need to complete multiple expeditions to unlock this trophy.

2. Rip And Tear(Completion Rate: 0.89%)

This challenge was also introduced with the Atlantic City expeditions update. To earn this trophy, the player will need to kill 10 Lesser Devils with a melee weapon. This can be a rather tedious challenge to complete. Players will need to start the expedition, Tax Evasion. Then, they will need to head to Quentino's roof. Once there, there will be two Lesser Devils that the player needs to kill using a melee weapon, the player will need to either complete the expedition five times. Either way, it's a pretty boring challenge. On top of that, many players still don't know how to find Lesser Devils. Needless to say, there's a reason why this is one of the hardest trophies in Fallout 76!

3. Troglodiced(Completion Rate: 1.20%)

To earn this trophy, the player will need to take down 100 Trogs with an Auto Axe. Trogs only spawn in The Pitt. So, not only will the player need to spend lots of time in The Pitt, but they will also need to obtain the Auto Axe. The Auto Axe is a very expensive plan to buy. It can be purchased from Guiseppe in the Whitespring Refuge for a whopping 500 Stamps. It's worth noting that this is half the price of what it used to be. But it is still very expensive. To earn stamps, the player will need to complete expeditions. So, to unlock this trophy, the player will need to complete lots of expeditions, purchase the Auto Axe plan, craft an Auto Axe, then complete more expeditions and kill Trogs with the Auto Axe.

4. Code Cruncher(Completion Rate: 10%)

Code Cruncher isn't that difficult to achieve. However, it's the grind that puts newer players off. To unlock this trophy, the player will need to hack 50 individual terminals. This is a pretty boring task. There are a couple of ways that players can complete this challenge much faster. Firstly, the player can equip the Legendary Perk Master Infiltrator. This perk will automatically unlock terminals without the player having to hack them. The second thing to do is to head to the missile silos, as there are lots of terminals that can be hacked in these locations.

5. Good Grief(Completion Rate: 11.99%)

To earn this trophy, the player will need to kill 20 other players. While this can be done very easily if the player has a friend who is willing to stand there and be killed repeatedly, it is tricky to unlock for solo players. A lot of players don't engage in PVP in Fallout 76. In fact, lots of them have Pacifist Mode enabled, which means that they can not attack players or be attacked by others. Those who do engage in PVP usually have great Fallout 76 Items, such as weapons and armor, which makes it very difficult to take them down.


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