Destiny 2: All Ways To Obtain Bright Dust

There are a lot of currencies in Destiny 2, but one of the most important is Bright Dust. This is one of the most valuable currencies that can purchase rare resources from the Eververse store, such as Exotic ornaments, unique cosmetic armor sets, Shaders, and much more.

Unless players want to spend real money to buy Destiny 2 Silver, you'll want to earn as much Bright Dust as possible. So, in this guide, we will cover every method for getting Bright Dust in Destiny 2!

Seasonal Challenges

Your main source of Bright Dust will come from Seasonal Challenges. Some Seasonal Challenges will list Bright Dust as a reward, granting anywhere from 75 to 300 Bright Dust. You can actually tell how much Bright Dust each challenge grants based on the amount of XP that same challenge gives: XP+ (75 Bright Dust), XP++ (150 Bright Dust), or XP+++ (300 Bright Dust). So it's a good idea to complete as many of them as possible if you wish to purchase any expensive item from the Eververse store.

Vendor Weekly Challenges

Zavala, Shaxx, and the Drifter each have a weekly challenge that tasks you with completing eight bounties in their respective activity. Completing one of these challenges will grant 120 Bright Dust. These challenges are character-bound, meaning you can complete up to nine of these weekly challenges in a week if you have three characters, granting 1,080 Bright Dust. Assuming you did these challenges each week on all three characters, you would earn 14,040 Bright Dust.

Weekly Seasonal Bounties

Eva Levante has her own weekly, daily, and repeatable bounties with every Destiny 2 holiday event. She sells two weekly bounties each week the event is active, granting 200 Bright Dust per bounty when completed.

Season Pass

Season Passes also provide a large amount of Bright Dust for players that can reach rank 100 in a given Season. Free players and Season owners will get a different amount of Bright Dust from their Season Pass. Free Players: 7,500 Bright Dust and  Season Owners: 10,500 Bright Dust. Season Pass owners get 3,000 additional Bright Dust in comparison to free players. Be sure to claim all of your Season Pass rewards before a Season ends. You can claim last Season's Season Pass rewards from if you forgot to do this.

Bright Engrams

Bright Engrams can be earned through gameplay. Upon opening a Bright Engram, players will acquire a randomized assortment of customization items. Bright Engrams have a meager chance of granting a Bright Dust bundle. They come in three sizes:

    Small Gift of Bright Dust: 250 Bright Dust
    Medium Gift of Bright Dust: 500 Bright Dust
    Huge Gift of Bright Dust: 1,000 Bright Dust

Anecdotally, the chance of obtaining one from a Bright Engram is quite low, hovering around a 10% chance. Larger Bright Dust gifts are rarer.

With these ways, players can ensure they're continuously earning at least a bit of Bright Dust every day in Destiny 2.


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