Armored Core 6: Top Tips To Help You Get Started

Armored Core 6: Fires Of Rubicon is devilishly difficult at times. The HUD, the intricate ballet of bullets and explosions, the strange movement of your mech, and more often confuse players. So this guide put together a list of top Armored Core 6 tips for players that will make them soon be able to tear apart the competition and complete missions at S-Tier rank in minutes.

Focus On 3D Movement

One of the first major hurdles for any new Armored Core 6 player to bypass is to start thinking about your mech as having full three-dimensional movement. If you find yourself spending most of your time on the ground, then for your next mission, make a concerted effort to spend as much time as possible in the air. If you treat the ground as your home, then you'll be far more vulnerable. Explosions will hit you much more easily, and half of your sphere of movement will be blocked off by the ground, making it much harder to dodge dangerous attacks. Take to the air and stay there, and you'll find it much easier to complete your missions.

Can't Dodge, Then Block

A very short way into the first chapter, you'll be introduced to a new type of Armored Core part: the shield. Deploying a shield will block the majority of the damage, and its effect is heightened for the first moments of the block, which means if you time it right, you can weather amazing amounts of damage with barely a scratch. You may not find any reason to check out the shields at first, but once you get into Chapter 2, it can help make some fights much easier if you start blocking anything you can't dodge.

Knowing HUD

While Armored Core 6 is a third-person game, you can find all the visual elements one would expect to see from the cockpit of a mech. The game's HUD is much more than an aesthetic element to bring the fantasy of piloting giant robots to life. It's also a crucial survival tool. The HUD in Armored Core 6 assists in tracking everything happening around you. It doesn't matter how tactical you want to be; many fights are usually extremely intense and hectic. Flying units pass overhead, while terrestrial ones send explosive laser beams in your direction. It's a lot. But you'll be fine if you learn how to read the HUD.

Best Early OS Upgrades

This should be the upgrade you save up for and invest in first. It allows you to convert your shoulder weapons into storage space, so you can actively switch between a maximum of 4 weapons, mixing and matching to fit different situations and different enemy weaknesses. For instance, you can have two machine guns to whittle down some health and build up stagger and then hit the shoulder inputs to switch to a laser blade and a bazooka to deal major damage whilst they're vulnerable. As such, this upgrade will not only give you a better chance of progressing and/or re-clearing levels at a higher success rate but also allow for exponentially more range in terms of your AC builds.

Focus On Staggering Enemies

To Stagger enemies in Armored Core 6, you'll have to completely drain out their Impact meter. The Impact bar is separate from the enemy's health bar and depletes as you continuously damage the opponent through combos, heavy strikes, and other attacks. Once the Impact bar turns red, the enemy temporarily enters a Staggered stage where it doesn't attack or defend. Naturally, this is the best time to unleash your most powerful attacks and end the battle as quickly as possible.

Don't Underestimate The Power Of Surprise Attacks

If an enemy is unaware of you, a pop-up around the targeting HUD will let you know that you can deliver a surprise attack upon it with your first hit. Surprise attacks deal much greater impact (stagger) damage than regular attacks, so it's a great opportunity to hit them with a strong explosive to stagger them before going in for the kill. It's possible even to destroy dangerous heavy tetrapod MTs in this way before they've even landed an attack on you.

Change Your Mech Design 

Armored Core 6 allows players to customize their mechs with different colors and emblems, offering a fun and creative aspect of customization in the game. In addition, upgrading and balancing gear is important, experimenting with different parts can provide unique advantages, such as the ability to hover or change a mech's capabilities, allowing players to adapt to different situations and earn money through replaying missions. By the way, if you want to customize your mech's playstyle and tactics quickly, you just need to buy Cheap Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon Accounts here at! This will help you skip the hard and time-consuming work and instantly receive a maxed account. Not to mention, you will have access to rare and valuable items immediately!

Use A Combination Of Damage Types

There are three damage types in Armored Core 6: Kinetic, Energy, and Explosive. Kinetic weapons are your basic everyday gun. Laser, Plasma, and Pulse weapons cause Energy damage. Grenades, missiles, and shells cause explosive damage. When equipping your Armored Core, you'll need to consider each damage type's advantages and disadvantages. If you want a well-rounded loadout, you need to master how to use them effectively.

Learn Each Boss's Attacks And Weak

Armored Core 6 is an unforgiving experience when it comes to some of the boss battles. The encounters can be a next-to-impossible uphill climb for those unprepared. Fortunately, the game allows players a plethora of customization options that will allow you to make the most of your mech and tailor-make it to counter the next boss. For example, pay close attention to a boss's attack patterns so that you may learn to counter them. Use that three-dimensional movement we talked about, and find ways to dodge the most dangerous attacks. Then, find their weak spot and hammer it with everything you've got, and its health will drop like an anvil.

Scan Liberally To Reveal Hidden Areas

The levels and maps in Armored Core 6 are surprisingly large and intricate, and - particularly in later chapters - there are often several hidden areas where you can find data logs, part containers, and special encounters with dangerous enemies. Scanning is a very good and easily overlooked tool in your arsenal, which not only allows you to see enemies for a short while through walls but also can give away these hidden locations. So, if you're hunting for the final Battle Log in a mission area, take a head part with a good scanning distance and explore.

These are all top tips to help you get started in Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon. Was this article helpful? Please let us know in the comment below!


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