All Waypoint Locations In Diablo 4

Fast travel is available in Diablo 4, helping you save time while traveling long distances across Sanctuary. Sanctuary has five regions, each tout between six to eight Waypoints. But not all of these Waypoints are obvious. So in this article, we will show you all the Waypoints to be found in Diablo 4, divvied up by region.

Dry Steppes Waypoints locations

There are eight waypoints in the Dry Steppes region. Here are all the Waypoint locations in the Dry Steppes region:

    Alzuuda: Located Northwest of Fields of Hatred.
    Farobru: Located East of Kotama Grasslands, Northeast of Ked Bardu Waypoint.
    Fate’s Retreat: Located Northeast of Jakha Basin.
    Hidden Overlook: Located Northwest of Fields of Hatred.
    Jirandai: Located South of Untamed Scarps.
    Ked Bardu: Located South of Kotama Grasslands.
    Ruins of Qara-Yisu: Located in the Southeastern part of Dry Steppes, left of Qara-Yisu.
    The Onyx Watchtower: Located right at the center of Dry Steppes.

You need to complete the Stronghold near Ked Bardu to unlock the Farobru Waypoint.

Fractured Peaks Waypoints locations

There are seven waypoints in the Fractured Peaks region. Here are all the Waypoint locations in the Fractured Peaks region:

    Bear Tribe Refuge – Located in the town, Northwestern part of Seat of the Heavens.
    Kyovashad – Located in the Northeastern part of Desolate Highlands.
    Margrave – Located in the Southwestern part of Dobrev Taiga.
    Menestad – Located in the Western part of Sarkova Pass.
    Nevesk – Located in the Southwestern part of Desolate Highlands.
    Nostrava – Located in the Stronghold, once cleansed of evil.
    Yelesna – Located in the Southwestern part of Galle Valley.

Remember that the Nostrava Waypoint unlocks after completing the Stronghold. Otherwise, you’ll be able to see only six Waypoints in the Fractured Peaks area of the map.

Hawezar Waypoints locations

There are six waypoints in the Hawezar region. Here are all the Waypoint locations in the Hawezar region:

    Backwater – Located in the Southeastern end of the region, East of Forsaken Coast.
    Ruins of Rakhat Keep: Inner Court – Located at the heart of the region.
    The Tree of Whispers – Located in the Northeastern part, above The Writhing Mire.
    Vyeresz – Located exactly South of the Ruins of Rakhat Keep: Inner Court, near Vyeresz.
    Wejinhani – Located in the Northern part of the region, just above Dismal Foothills.
    Zarbinzet – Western part of the region, South of Umir Plateau.

Remember that The Tree of Whispers unlocks after completing Act 4. While the Vyeresz Waypoint unlocks after completing the Stronghold located down South in Hawezar.

Kehjistan Waypoints locations

There are six waypoints in the Kehjistan region. Here are all the Waypoint locations in the Kehjistan region:

    Altar of Ruin: Located in the North of Kehjistan.
    Denshar: Located South of the region, near Fields of Hatred.
    Gea Kul: Located in the Southwestern part of the region, near the Southern Expanse.
    Imperial Library: Located in the heart of Kehjistan, Northwest of Celdeum.
    Iron Wolves Encampment: Located on the left of the Imperial Library, Northeast of Ragged Coastline.
    Tarsarak: The only Waypoint in the Eastern part of Kehjistan, South of Scouring Sands.

The Imperial Library Waypoint unlocks after completing a majority of Act 6. Whereas, the Altar of Ruin Waypoint unlocks after completing a Stronghold right near the ‘Kehijistan’ text on the map.

Scosglen Waypoints locations

There are eight waypoints in the Scosglen region. Here are all the Waypoint locations in the Scosglen region:

    Braestaig: Located towards the center of Scosglen, East of Carrowcrest Ruins.
    Cerrigar: Located South of Braestaig Waypoint and The Emerald Chase.
    Corbach: Located in the central part of the region, just below the Strand.
    Firebreak Manor: Located South of the region, Southwest of the Cerrigar Waypoint.
    Marowen: Located at the top-left corner of Scosglen, West of Northshore.
    Tirmair: Located on the Eastern part of Scosglen, Northeast of the Corbach Waypoint.
    Tur Dulra: Another Waypoint located near the Western Coast of Scosglen, North of the Deep Forest.
    Under the Fat Goose Inn: The last Waypoint of Scosglen is also located in the Eastern part, Southwest of the Tirmair Waypoint.

You can unlock the Corbach and Tur Dulra Waypoints by completing the Strongholds located to the far West and beneath Scosglen, respectively.

Each Waypoint you unlock in Diablo 4 will reward you with 20 Renown. This is one of the gameplay mechanics and in-game currency powerhouses in Diablo 4. They grant several rewards like Skill Points, Paragon Points, Bonus XP, and Diablo iv gold when you discover some of the important areas or zones of the game. Once you collect enough Renown, you can unlock new abilities that can prove essential during intense boss fights.


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