Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Wizardry Spells Guide

Wizardry Spells in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is a type of ability used in combat, and each has varying effects ranging from destructive magical attacks, crowd control, self and ally buffs to healing, traversal and weapon enchantment.

Spells are divided by the elemental Phases they belong to — The Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water phases. Spells are further categorized under offensive, defensive, and support spells. Wizardry Spells are an important facet of combat and can give players an edge over the most difficult opponents and encounters. So in this article, let's look at all Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Wizardry Spells!

Wood Phase - Utilizes Lightning as its main element. Offensive Spells of this nature can afflict targets with the Shock status effect. The Wood Phase also has access to healing and buffing spells of various types.

  • LIGHTNING WEAPON – For a certain period of time, enchants your current melee weapon with Lightning.
  • ABSORB VITALITY – You and your nearby allies can restore HP upon dealing damage to enemies.
  • LIGHTNING BOLT – Calls down a bolt of lightning on a locked-on target or on a point at a certain distance in front of you.
  • HEAVEN’S RAGE – Calls lightning to strike in an area around a locked on target or in front of you.
  • UNSTOPPABLE FORCE – Increases automatic recovery during Low Spirit and decreases automatic depletion during High Spirit.
  • SPIRIT FERVOR – Grants you and your allies a positive effect that increases Spirit gain when attacking.
  • BARBED CONDUCTOR – Grows branches on the ground at your feet. Activating it again while the branches remain will call down a bolt of lightning on them.
  • BARBED NIGHTMARE – Summons thorns from the ground, which absorb a portion of damage dealt to enemies and restore the HP of you and your allies.
  • LIGHTNING RUSH – Hurls a lightning bolt that rushes forward.
  • GUARD FORMATION – Creates an area that reduces the damage allies inside it take from enemies.
  • INNER BREATH – Increases the accumulation of the Divine Beast Gauge for a certain period of time.
  • FOCUS ZONE – Generates an area in which allies inside it deal additional damage to enemies.
  • CLEANSE – Resets all current negative effect accumulation to zero for you and your nearby allies, while granting a positive effect that reduces the amount of negative effect accumulation for all Phases except for Metal.
  • PERFECT RESTORAL – Grants you and your nearby allies a positive effect that completely negates an enemy attack once.

Fire Phase - Utilizes Flame as its main element. The Fire Phase is primarily an offensive spell category and its spells are centered around dealing damage and can afflict targets with the Burns status effect. Its buffing spells are focused on increasing the caster's offensive capabilities.

  • FLAME WEAPON – For a certain period of time, enchants your current melee weapon with Flame.
  • BLASTING FLARE – Emits an eruption of flames to the front.
  • SURGING BLAZE – Releases a spreading blaze to the front. It deals more damage closer to the point of release.
  • BURSTING FIREBALL – Hurls a terrifying fireball that will split into multiple fireballs and explode after reaching a certain distance or hitting an enemy or terrain.
  • BURNING FLAMEWAVE – Summons continuous eddies of flame in front of you. This deals damage over time to any enemies that come in contact with it.
  • OVERPOWER BURST – Greatly increases the damage dealt by the Wizardry Spell or Martial Arts next used.
  • AMPLIFY DAMAGE – For a certain period of time, increases both the damage you deal to enemies and receive from them.
  • ENGULFING INFERNO – Summons and attacks with multiple pillars of flame.
  • FIRE BOLT – Hurls a mote of fire in front of you.
  • FIREBLAST – Discharges a ball of fire that flies on a gravitational arc, and explodes upon hitting an enemy or terrain.
  • SCORCH COMET – Discharges ahead a large ball of fire.
  • SCORCH STREAM – Emits a stream of fire to the front. Continue firing by holding down the input for Wizardry Spells.
  • SCORCH SWEEP – Emits a stream of fire to sweep within a cone-shaped area of effect.
  • SCORCH SPINNER – Shoots a stream of fire from both hands, engulfing nearby enemies in flames.

Earth Phase - Utilizes Stone as its main element. The Earth Phase excels in defense and buffing but also has offensive spells that can afflict targets with the Heaviness status effect. Earth Phase spells typically have knockback effects and are great at keeping multiple enemies at bay. 

  • STONE WEAPON – For a certain period of time, enchants your current melee weapon with Stone.
  • ROCK SPIKE – Summons rock pillars in front of you. they will explode and knock enemies away upon contact.
  • ENHANCED DEFENSE – For a certain period of time, you receive less damage from enemies and will not flinch except from some powerful attacks.
  • MIGHTY SHOCKWAVE – Unleashes a shockwave around you that will blow away nearby enemies.
  • DEATHLY BOG – Creates a big in a nearby area. This bog will cause damage over time to enemies touching it.
  • LION’S ROAR – Lets out a shout that generates a shockwave. Enemies hit will be forced to lock on to you. Also decreases damage taken from enemy attacks for a certain period of time.
  • SANDSINK – Generates a whirlpool of sand that draws enemies into its center.
  • BOULDER KNUCKLES – Imbues you with stone and allows you to perform a frontal jab. This attack deals more damage in inverse proportion to your current HP percentage.
  • IMPOSING SLAB – Generates rock pillars in front of you that linger temporarily and explode when enemies touch them.
  • FIEND VANQUISHER – Allows you to charge forward using the power of Earth Phase. You will not falter while charging unless an enemy’s attack is sufficiently powerful. Move farther by holding down the input for Wizardry Spells.
  • ROCK TOUGHNESS – Reduces Spirit damage received from enemy attacks, and grants a single—use effect that prevents your Morale Rank from decreasing when you are dealt a Critical Blow by an enemy.
  • ILLUSIONARY SHELL – For a certain period of time, creates an invisible shield around you that absorbs a certain amount of damage.
  • QUAKEBOUND – For a certain period of time, grants an ability to increase enemies’ Stone ailment accumulation by deflecting.
  • FORCE BLOW – Unleashes an attack using the power of Earth Phase.

Metal Phase - Utilizes Toxin as its main element. The Metal Phase's spells are centered around Damage-Over-Time and increasing the potency of status effects inflicted on opponents. Toxin attacks can afflict targets with the Poison status effects.

  • TOXIN WEAPON – For a certain period of time, enchants your current melee weapon with Toxin.
  • POISON BUBBLES – Releases bubbles of poison that will burst and generate a poison bog when they hit enemies or terrain. The bog will cause damage over time to enemies touching it.
  • TOXIN BUBBLES – Releases bubbles of poison to the front. Bubbles will burst and create a poison bog when they hit enemies or terrain. The bog will cause damage over tim to enemies touching it.
  • ELEMENTAL PLAGUE – Increases the accumulation of all status effects dealt to enemies for a certain period of time.
  • POISON CORROSION – Emits a poison fog to the front. The fog will cause damage over time to enemies touching it.
  • REPRESSION CRUSH – Releases a curse bolt to the front. Enemies hit will recover from Spirit Disruption slower for a certain period of time.
  • VENOMOUS DISCHARGE – Releases bubbles of poison that burst and generate poison bogs. These bogs will cause damage over time to enemies touching them.
  • DEVOURING SWEEP – Emits a poisonous fog to sweep within a cone-shaped area of effect.
  • VENOM SNARE – Releases a curse bolt to the front that will form a poison fog around the enemy it hits. The fog will cause damage over time to enemies touching it.
  • THORNY GROUND – Summons thorns from the ground. Enemies that step on the thorns will have reduced movement speed for a set period of time.
  • LIFE WITHER – Releases a curse bolt to the front. Enemies hit will receive more damage for a certain period of time.
  • CALAMITY BOLTS – Releases curse bolts to the front. Enemies hit will deal less damage for a certain period of time.
  • MOLTEN CALAMITY THORN – Releases a metal-imbued attack that deals damage to enemies it touches. If those enemies are inflicted with any ailments, they will be fully cured, and they will take additional damage corresponding to the number of ailments cured.
  • THORN SHOT – Releases curse bolts that create thorns on contact with enemies or terrain. Enemies that step on the thorns will be slowed for a certain period of time.

Water Phase - Utilizes Ice as its main element. The Water Phase offers quick-firing offensive spells of both the single-target and AoE variety that can inflict the Chill status effect. It also has spells with traversal components as well as those that cater to stealth-oriented playstyles. 

  • ICE WEAPON – For a certain period of time, enchants your current melee weapon with Ice.
  • FROST LANCE – Summons a sharply pointed icicle to the front. The icicle will accelerate forward or toward the target locked on when it was summoned.
  • FROZEN MALICE – Generates a large icicle to the front. The icicle will accelerate forward or toward the target locked on to when it was released.
  • OMINOUS CHILL – Summons small icicles to continuously fall on the locked-on target or on a point at a certain distance forward.
  • UNSEEABLE FORM – For a certain period of time, turns your body invisible and cannot be detected by enemies.
  • AQUA BLINK – Instantly teleport to the front.
  • PHANTOM ICICLE – Releases curse bolts that create mysterious fog on contact with enemies or terrain. Enemies that touch the fog will have reduced targeting ability for a set period of time.
  • OBSCURING FROST – Generates fog in the area that affects enemies in proximity with reduced targeting ability for a certain period of time.
  • MALIGNANT ICEFALL – Summon a large icicle to fall on the locked-on target or on a point at a certain distance to the front.
  • CLOUD STANCE – For a certain period of time, reduces consumption of Spirit when deflecting.
  • ALACRITY HASTE – Increases movement speed for a certain period of time.
  • FROZEN SPEAR TRAP – Sets an icy trap by your feet. Enemies that step on the trap will be impaled by sharp icicles and take damage.
  • UNRELENTING FROST – Hurls a blast of ice shards. Continue shooting by holding down the input for Wizardry Spells.
  • FROZEN ARROW – Creates a frost that turns into icy pillars after a certain period of time. The icy pillars will accelerate forward or toward the target that was locked on to when they were summoned.

In addition, Wizardry Spells employ the Five Phases to interact with each other in various ways, with certain elements coming out superior or inferior depending on the situation and opposing elements met:

  •     Wood Overcomes Earth
  •     Earth Overcomes Water
  •     Water Overcomes Fire
  •     Fire Overcomes Metal
  •     Metal Overcomes Wood

This is essentially a mechanic that allows you to use an element to counter another one it is strong against. For example, when an opponent throws a Fireball at you, you can cast the Water Phase's Frost Lance spell to meet their projectile and cancel it out.

It ends here. For more guides, please check: https://www.u4gm.com/wo-long-fallen-dynasty-gq.


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